Forbes Magazine recently posted an article which addressed how Health Coaches can support employees dealing with long COVID. [1]
As a Clinical Psychologist and Founder of the Functional Medicine Coaching Academy, Dr. Sandra Scheinbaum has first-hand experience understanding the power of incorporating Health Coaching in business settings and how Coaches can help employees with health issues (including long COVID: a condition where individuals “continue to feel symptoms long after the days or weeks that represent a typical course of the disease”) [2]
Although Health Coaches do not treat or diagnose conditions, they do promote health and offer support and evidence-based insights for individuals needs. As employees deal with long COVID, they will find an aide to help them in their wellness journeys and this in turn, helps with employee health and morale.
More companies are now employing coaching and wellness programs in their benefit packages because they realize healthier employees are happier employees. As health coaching gains popularity, I believe we will see more industries offering coaching programs. Here is a potent quote from the article:
“Employees value a healthy and productive workforce, but adopting healthier habits can be challenging and requires a personal commitment to change. People don’t like to be told what to do. Instead, they value having an ally who listens and acknowledges their concerns. As behavior change specialists, health coaches can be a useful tool for companies looking to help guide their employees to better physical and emotional health. Their widespread utilization can help address the issues associated with long COVID and other chronic health conditions that impact our labor force.” [1]
To read this article in its entirety, click here.
[1] – Forbes Magazine. (2022, February). How To Utilize Health Coaches To Support Employees With Long COVID. Retrieved from
[2]– Harvard Gazette. (2021, April). Harvard Medical School Expert Explains Long COVID. Retrieved from