In 2017, one of the first collaborative studies between pharmacists and health coaches was performed on individuals with uncontrolled Type 2 Diabetes. Their goal was to team up to deliver health intervention to urban African-Americans and Latino adults using mobile health tools.
Mismanagement of diabetes can result in several health complications. Because low-income and minority populations have many barriers that affect their ability to manage their diabetes, this collaborative effort was tested to see if it could be a new strategy to help.
The 2-year study ran from March 2017 – November 2021 with 221 individuals enrolled. Health coaches helped patients by performing home visits, phone calls, and text messaging; while pharmacists supported the patients using video-conferences. “Data collection includes physiologic (HbA1c, blood pressure, weight, and lipid profile) and survey measures (medication adherence, diabetes-related behaviors, and quality of life). Data collection during the second year of study will determine the maintenance of any physiological improvement among participants receiving the intervention during the first year.” [1]. Now that the study is over, results are expected in May 2022.
I was excited to stumble upon this study and I am also eager for the results may reveal! As more health challenges continue to plague our society, I am hoping more collaborative efforts are seen between the health coaches and the medical professionals. Let’s wait and see.
To read more about the study, visit the reference below.
[1] Sharp, L. K., Biggers, A., Perez, R., Henkins, J., Tilton, J., & Gerber, B. S. (2021). A Pharmacist and Health Coach-Delivered Mobile Health Intervention for Type 2 Diabetes: Protocol for a Randomized Controlled Crossover Study. JMIR research protocols, 10(3), e17170.