We keep reading about the shortage of health care professionals in the United States [1] [2], but do you know there is also a shortage of mental health professionals as well? A recent article from PsychologyToday highlights a study that shows “certified coaches trained in evidence-based mental health approaches can help fill the gap”[3].
Although health coaching is not a replacement for therapy, a recent study showed that over 50% of individuals exhibiting depressive symptoms showed marked ‘clinical recovery’ after at least one session with a certified coach! This is very exciting news! The case is then made that mental health coaching can be an alternative (and sometimes a more affordable modality) to therapy for certain mental health needs. To read the entire article, click here.
[1] National Association for Healthcare Quality. Healthcare Workforce Shortages. Retrieved from https://nahq.org/news-media/news/healthcare-workforce-shortages/
[2] Association of American Medical Colleges. U.S. Physician Shortage Growing. Retrieved from https://www.aamc.org/news-insights/us-physician-shortage-growing.
[3] Altman, M. (2022, July). New Research Finds Coaching to Be on Par with Therapy. Retrieved from https://www.psychologytoday.com/us/blog/evidence-based-care/202207/new-research-finds-coaching-be-par-therapy.